Mr robot gay sex scene

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Not a whole lot of development for any of the female characters so far - the show's biggest early disappointment. I liked the reveal that he'd already hacked the hospital to set it up as his primary care place for the future, and his childhood BFF got to show some complexity for a change instead of being just Concerned Gal. Yay! He's a better actor when they give him something to act besides brooding. Seriously, did anyone else's jaw drop at how explicit it was for non-premium cable? When they actually took a moment to show Tyrell reaching down to slowly pull his dick out of his partner's butt and then clean up the santorum? Seemed like a new world of realistic sex on TV to me, anyway.)Įlliot is finally being given some agency in the main story instead of being buffeted around by it.

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This is the episode that won me over from 'ok, this is interesting enough to keep checking' to 'ok, this is a playful, intelligent, sharply filmed show with a lot of promise.' (The hot gay anal sex scene certainly helped.

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